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Education may very well be the most important part of our role as your oral health advocates. Offering a wide variety of services is something we’re proud to do, but without knowing how to care for your smile, even high-quality dental work can fail.


Unfortunately, the risk doesn’t stop there. When your mouth is unhealthy, the rest of your body is likely to follow suit. The oral-systemic link (the understanding that your mouth can reflect the rest of your body’s health and vice versa) was discovered decades ago, and research continues to stress the importance of oral infection prevention as a way to prevent systemic infection. Our blog is where we share information on effective prevention methods, ways to recover from oral infections and restore your smile, and many other topics!

  • We post articles on our blog at least twice a month.
  • Our blog posts discuss everything from home remedies for toothaches to whether activated charcoal products really work to whiten your teeth.
  • We'd love for you to share the knowledge and join the conversation!
December 13th, 2022

Have You Been Avoiding the Dentist?

We’ve all got our reasons. Money. Time. The fear of pain. Juggling insurance. Facing one more reminder that we really should be flossing more. Any of these might cause us to avoid and put off regular visits to the dentist. Has it been so long since you saw a dentist that you’re not even sure… (Read More)

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November 27th, 2022

Oral Anatomy 101

Welcome to your mouth! A healthy mouth is necessary for a healthy life. You might be surprised how many different parts work together to make your mouth function. Read more below from Crown Dentistry in Arlington to get an in-depth look at the human mouth and how it works. Teeth The look and function of… (Read More)

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November 13th, 2022

Could Brushing & Flossing Prevent a Heart Attack?

A lot of healthy lifestyle choices benefit more than one system within your body. Eating well, exercising, good sleep, and fresh air all support a lot of your physical needs. So, it shouldn’t be surprising that what hurts one area of your health can easily hurt another area, too. An important (though less known) connection… (Read More)

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September 13th, 2022

Warning Signs of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Nicknamed for the fact that they come into your mouth and your life by the time you are mature and supposedly “wise”, wisdom teeth are simply the last set of molars that grow furthest back in your mouth. If you’re experiencing some specific pain in your gums and jaw, you may be wondering if you… (Read More)

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August 13th, 2022

Pregnant Moms & Oral Health: Brushing & Flossing for Two

There are so many things to be concerned about when you find out you’re expecting. Eating right, taking enough vitamins, getting enough rest, telling your husband there is absolutely no way you are naming your firstborn son Bud Light… but what about your teeth? There’s an old saying—“you lose a tooth for every baby”—but those… (Read More)

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July 27th, 2022

Buds for Life: Your Tongue & Taste

Full disclosure before your Arlington dental team at Crown Dentistry starts dropping knowledge on the muscles in your mouth that are partially to thank (or blame) for the foods you love: we’re hungry as we write this and are envisioning pizza; yummy, savory pizza with cheese that stretches when you grab a slice, crust with… (Read More)

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June 27th, 2022

Oral Cancer – Prevention & Early Detection

Cancer is always a scary word—but it doesn’t have to be the last word. Equipped with good information and the best doctors, you can feel empowered to navigate whatever stands before you or your loved one.  Oral cancer is common, affecting approximately 50,000 Americans every year. If you have more questions about oral cancer, read… (Read More)

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February 27th, 2022

Malocclusion: Sometimes It Bites

Malocclusion is the dental term for misaligned teeth, a common condition affecting about 200,000 people in the United States every year. Many seek cosmetic solutions to feel better about their smiles, but there are also negative health consequences including pain and discomfort that result from improperly aligned teeth.  The most severe cases may require surgical… (Read More)

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February 13th, 2022

Do I Have Herpes? Cold Sores 101

Cold sore. Fever blister. Herpes Simplex Virus-1. These babies go by a lot of different names, but the experience is always the same: Telltale burning or itching near the lip A red bump appears a day or so later The bump becomes a cluster of blisters The blisters dry up and scab over The scab… (Read More)

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November 27th, 2021

Healthy Mouth, Healthy Heart

We all know that it’s important to take care of our health, but that’s often easier said than done. Health and hygiene routines are an investment of your time every day. So, wouldn’t it be great if you could accomplish more by actually doing less?  As it turns out, when it comes to oral health… (Read More)

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