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When you think about dentistry, do you find yourself thinking primarily of care for your teeth and gums? If so, we’d like to expand your focus and tell you about another important part of optimal oral health—a healthy, functional temporomandibular joint.


Your temporomandibular joint, abbreviated as TMJ, is the most used joint in your body.

It’s a small joint that connects your mandible (jaw) to your temporal bone (skull), and it’s what allows you to open and close your mouth and move your jaw from side to side without pain or difficulty—as long as it’s not suffering from dysfunction. If your jaw joint has been injured or experienced inflammation due to chronic illness or bruxism (jaw clenching and teeth grinding), you may have temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMD. TMD symptoms can include frequent headaches and migraines, pain when chewing food or speaking, and worn teeth that require restorative dental care.
  • TMD affects an estimated 10 million Americans.
  • To feel your jaw joints, place your fingers in front of your ears, then open and close your mouth.
  • Your TMJ acts as a hinge and facilitates sliding movements.
  • Because TMD is more common in women than men, scientists are studying whether this is due to hormonal differences.
  • TMD can be a sign of sleep apnea.

Treating the cause of your TMD can prevent pain.

When you experience chronic facial and head pain as a result of TMD, it can be easy to fall into a cycle of taking anti-inflammatory drugs. Headaches and migraines are no joke, and the pain can travel through your neck, shoulders, and create problems for your posture, too. Who would have thought such a small joint could create such serious symptoms?

  • Sometimes the cause of TMD is a misaligned bite—this can be corrected with orthodontic treatment.
  • If your TMD is due to nighttime bruxism, a nightguard can provide relief.
  • Nightguards can prevent grinding that wears your enamel down.
  • Facial massage and lowering stress levels can help ease tension in your face and give your TMJ a break.

Don’t let TMD take your smile.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Hawkins today!

Experience relief and boost your confidence, beautiful!

If you have any questions about TMJ or Juvederm, or you’d like to schedule a visit with your Arlington dentist, Dr. Kasey Hawkins of Crown Dentistry, we’d love to hear from you!

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