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Education may very well be the most important part of our role as your oral health advocates. Offering a wide variety of services is something we’re proud to do, but without knowing how to care for your smile, even high-quality dental work can fail.


Unfortunately, the risk doesn’t stop there. When your mouth is unhealthy, the rest of your body is likely to follow suit. The oral-systemic link (the understanding that your mouth can reflect the rest of your body’s health and vice versa) was discovered decades ago, and research continues to stress the importance of oral infection prevention as a way to prevent systemic infection. Our blog is where we share information on effective prevention methods, ways to recover from oral infections and restore your smile, and many other topics!

  • We post articles on our blog at least twice a month.
  • Our blog posts discuss everything from home remedies for toothaches to whether activated charcoal products really work to whiten your teeth.
  • We'd love for you to share the knowledge and join the conversation!
May 27th, 2022

“Buy-Up” Dental Insurance: A Little Extra Protection

When it comes to dental insurance, it seems like there can be as many (or more) questions as there are answers. Even when you are fortunate enough to have dental insurance, navigating its use can still be very confusing. Many people don’t give their dental insurance a second thought – until the day comes when… (Read More)

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May 13th, 2022

How NOT to Pull a Loose Tooth

We’ve all seen variations of DIY methods when it comes to pulling loose baby teeth: the string and door slam method is by far one of the most popular (although we’re not sure why). But our team at Crown Dentistry is here to advise against this and similarly aggressive techniques so your kiddo will have… (Read More)

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April 13th, 2022

Chocolate is Good for Oral Health – True or False?

Most of us were taught when we were kids that sweets like chocolate will rot your teeth. While this may remain true for some types of our favorite sweet snack, that doesn’t mean we have to take it off the menu altogether.  In fact, recent studies have found that dark chocolate, containing high percentages of… (Read More)

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March 27th, 2022

Toothbrush Timers Can Make Brushing Fun for Kids!

Many parents wonder how to get—and keep—their kids interested in brushing their teeth. A wall chart with stickers may be enough, but some kids get bored more easily than others (especially in today’s digital age).  While you may wish at times that your kids didn’t spend so much time online, technology does offer some positives… (Read More)

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March 13th, 2022

Why Do We Have Baby Teeth?

Baby teeth, also called deciduous, primary, milk, or lacteal teeth, have many different purposes. Dr. Kasey Hawkins at Crown Dentistry is asked the purpose of baby teeth often. So what’s the answer? Tiny Teeth for Tiny Mouths Child-sized mouths are not large enough to accommodate a full set of adult teeth, so the primary teeth… (Read More)

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February 27th, 2022

Malocclusion: Sometimes It Bites

Malocclusion is the dental term for misaligned teeth, a common condition affecting about 200,000 people in the United States every year. Many seek cosmetic solutions to feel better about their smiles, but there are also negative health consequences including pain and discomfort that result from improperly aligned teeth.  The most severe cases may require surgical… (Read More)

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February 13th, 2022

Do I Have Herpes? Cold Sores 101

Cold sore. Fever blister. Herpes Simplex Virus-1. These babies go by a lot of different names, but the experience is always the same: Telltale burning or itching near the lip A red bump appears a day or so later The bump becomes a cluster of blisters The blisters dry up and scab over The scab… (Read More)

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January 27th, 2022

Can I Recycle My Toothbrush?

Take a look around your bathroom and you’re likely to see a lot of products in plastic packaging. Paper boxes and toilet paper rolls are easily recycled in your bin at home, but what about the tricky stuff like toothpaste tubes and toothbrushes? Your Arlington dentist Dr. Kasey Hawkins has the answers! Toothbrush Recycling That’s… (Read More)

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January 13th, 2022

A Real Nail Biter

We all have those nervous habits we turn to when we feel awkward, stressed, or just plain bored. If your choice vice is biting your nails, you need to know that it can cause a lot of distress on your oral health and overall health. Dr. Kasey Hawkins, Arlington dentist shares why nail biting is… (Read More)

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